Sum of absolute differences

Sum of absolute differences

SAD 绝对差值和


In digital image processing, the sum of absolute differences (SAD) is a
measure of the similarity(相似度) between image blocks.
It is calculated by taking the absolute difference between each pixel in the
original block and the corresponding pixel in the block being used for
These differences are summed to create a simple metric(度量) of
block similarity,
the \(L^{1}\) norm of the
difference image or
Manhattan distance between
two image blocks.

The sum of absolute differences may be used for a variety of purposes,
such as object recognition,
the generation of disparity maps for stereo images,
and motion estimation for video compression.

This example uses the sum of absolute differences to identify which part of a
search image is most similar to a template image.
In this example, the template image is 3 by 3 pixels in size,
while the search image is 3 by 5 pixels in size.
Each pixel is represented by a single integer from 0 to 9.

Template    Search image
 2 5 5       2 7 5 8 6
 4 0 7       1 7 4 2 7
 7 5 9       8 4 6 8 5

There are exactly three unique locations within the search image where the
template may fit: the left side of the image, the center of the image,
and the right side of the image. To calculate the SAD values,
the absolute value of the difference between each corresponding pair of pixels
is used: the difference between 2 and 2 is 0, 4 and 1 is 3, 7 and 8 is 1,
and so forth.

Calculating the values of the absolute differences for each pixel,
for the three possible template locations, gives the following:

Left    Center   Right
0 2 0   5 0 3    3 3 1
3 7 3   3 4 5    0 2 0
1 1 3   3 1 1    1 3 4

For each of these three image patches,
the 9 absolute differences are added together,
giving SAD values of 20, 25, and 17, respectively.
From these SAD values,
it could be asserted that the right side of the search image is the most
similar to the template image,
because it has the lowest sum of absolute differences as compared to the other
two locations.

TEST(SAD, example)
    cv::Mat const templateImage = (cv::Mat_<int>(3, 3) <<
        2, 5, 5,
        4, 0, 7,
        7, 5, 9);
    std::cout << "templateImage " << templateImage << "\n";
    cv::Mat const searchImage = (cv::Mat_<int>(3, 5) <<
        2, 7, 5, 8, 6,
        1, 7, 4, 2, 7,
        8, 4, 6, 8, 5);
    std::cout << "searchImage " << searchImage << "\n";
    cv::Mat const left = searchImage.colRange(0, 3);
    std::cout << "left " << left << "\n";
    cv::Mat const center = searchImage.colRange(1, 4);
    std::cout << "center " << center << "\n";
    cv::Mat const right = searchImage.colRange(2, 5);
    std::cout << "right " << right << "\n";
    // get absolute differences mat
    cv::Mat const leftSad0 = cv::abs(templateImage - left);
    // compute SAD
    double const leftSad = cv::sum(leftSad0)[0];
    std::cout << "leftSad " << leftSad << "\n";
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(20, leftSad);
    cv::Mat const centerSad0 = cv::abs(templateImage - center);
    double const centerSad = cv::sum(centerSad0)[0];
    std::cout << "centerSad " << centerSad << "\n";
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(25, centerSad);
    cv::Mat const rightSad0 = cv::abs(templateImage - right);
    double const rightSad = cv::sum(rightSad0)[0];
    std::cout << "rightSad " << rightSad << "\n";
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(17, rightSad);
    double const theMostSimilar = std::min(
        std::min(leftSad, centerSad), rightSad);
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(rightSad, theMostSimilar);

Comparison to other metrics

Object recognition

The sum of absolute differences provides a simple way to automate the
searching for objects inside an image,
but may be unreliable due to the effects of contextual factors(情境因素)
such as changes in lighting, color, viewing direction, size, or shape.
The SAD may be used in conjunction with other object recognition methods,
such as edge detection,
to improve the reliability of results.

Video compression

SAD is an extremely fast metric due to its simplicity;
it is effectively the simplest possible metric that takes into account every
pixel in a block.
Therefore it is very effective for a wide motion search of many different
SAD is also easily parallelizable since it analyzes each pixel separately,
making it easily implementable with such instructions as ARM NEON or x86 SSE2.
For example, SSE has packed sum of absolute differences instruction (PSADBW)
specifically for this purpose.
Once candidate blocks are found,
the final refinement of the motion estimation process is often done with other
slower but more accurate metrics,
which better take into account human perception.
These include the
sum of absolute transformed differences (SATD) 变换绝对差值和,
the sum of squared differences (SSD) 差值平方和,
and rate-distortion optimization.


Compute GPS distance

Compute GPS distance

compute two { latitude, longitude, altitude } distance

ellipsoidal distance
spherical distance
some online tools

ellipsoidal distance

  • 1 both latitude, longitude, altitude to ECEF xyz
    (WGS84, ENU / NED .. also ok)
  • 2 compute two 3D points distance
  • see one implementation in c++

spherical distance

  • NOTE { latitude, longitude } only and DEPRECATED

use haversine formula

formula: a = sin²(Δφ/2) + cos φ1 ⋅ cos φ2 ⋅ sin²(Δλ/2)
c = 2 ⋅ atan2( √a, √(1−a) )
d = R ⋅ c
where φ is latitude, λ is longitude, R is earth’s radius
(mean radius = 6,371km);
note that angles need to be in radians to pass to trig functions!
// DEPRECATED please use ellipsoidalDistance or lineDistance
double Wgs84::haversineDistance(
    double const latitude,
    double const longitude,
    double const er) const
    double const latitude1R = DegreeToRadian(this->llh(0));
    double const longitude1R = DegreeToRadian(this->llh(1));
    double const latitude2R = DegreeToRadian(latitude);
    double const longitude2R = DegreeToRadian(longitude);
    double const deltaLatitude = latitude2R - latitude1R;// in radians
    double const deltaLongitude = longitude2R - longitude1R;// in radians
    double const a = Square(::sin(deltaLatitude / 2))
        + (::cos(latitude1R) * ::cos(latitude2R) * Square(
            ::sin(deltaLongitude / 2)));
    double const c = 2 * ::atan2(::sqrt(a), ::sqrt(1 - a));
    return er * c;

some online tools

see also

geographic coordinate

geodetic / geographic coordinate

* 高斯投影


ECEF coordinate 空间直角坐标系

  • The point (0,0,0) is defined as the center of mass of the earth,
    hence the name “earth-centered.”

  • 空间直角坐标系的坐标系原点位于参考椭球的中心,

    • The z-axis extends through True north,
      which does not coincide with the instantaneous earth rotational axis.
      Z 轴指向参考椭球的北极,
    • The x-axis intersects the sphere of the earth at 0° latitude
      (the equator) and 0° longitude (prime meridian in Greenwich).
      X 轴指向起始子午面与赤道的交点,
    • Y 轴位于赤道面上且按右手系与 X 轴呈 90° 夹角。
  • 某点在空间中的坐标可用该点在此坐标系的各个坐标轴上的投影来表示。

  • 空间直角坐标系可用图 743px-ECEF.svg.png 来表示

geodetic coordinate 空间大地坐标系

  • 空间大地坐标系是采用大地经、纬度和大地高来描述空间位置的。

    • 纬度是空间的点与参考椭球面的法线与赤道面的夹角;
    • 经度是空间中的点与参考椭球的自转轴所在的面与参考椭球的起始子午面的夹角;
    • 大地高是空间点沿参考椭球的法线方向到参考椭球面的距离。
      600px-Latitude_and_longitude_graticule_on_a_sphere.svg.png 来表示
      (A perspective view of the Earth showing how latitude (φ) and longitude (λ)
      are defined on a spherical model. The graticule spacing is 10 degrees.)


East (x), North (y), Up (z), referred as ENU

Up-Down in the direction to the center of the earth
(when using a spherical Earth simplification),
or in the direction normal to the local tangent plane
(using an oblate spheroidal or geodetic ellipsoidal model of the earth)
which does not generally pass through the center of the Earth.


North (x), East (y), Down (z), referred as NED, used specially in aerospace


  • 正形投影
  • 中央子午线投影后应为 x 轴,且长度保持不变
  • 将中央子午线东西各一定经差(一般为 6 度或 3 度)
    如图 高斯投影.png 右侧所示, x 方向指北,y 方向指东.
